Social Role Valorization and the English Experience

David G Race

Social Role Valorization and the English Experience book cover

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ISBN: 978-1-861770-27-1
Categories: Counselling, Human Services, Social Policy, Social Work
Published: June 1999
216 x 140 x 12 mm
200 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
The set of theories and strategies going under the broad heading of ‘normalization’ first had an impact on services for people with learning disabilities in the 1960s. Since then, the value of such approaches to combating devaluation has been more and more widely recognised. They have spread from their Scandinavian origins through developments in the United States and Britain to become a major force in community care services in the 1980s and 1990s.

One of the most prominent thinkers in this field, Professor Wolf Wolfensberger, reconceptualised and developed his version of normalization in the 1980s into the new concept of social role valorization (SRV). Wolfenberger's thinking provoked much further debate and a number of misunderstandings and critiques. However, it promoted the development of social role valorization into a theory that fits into the realm of empirical scientific enquiry.

This book is the first to present a full-length account of Wolfenberger’s theory with specific reference to the English context. It addresses the critiques that form a key part of the ‘English experience’ of social role valorization. It clearly demonstrates that social role valorization is a theory directly relevant to individuals and caring services working with vulnerable groups. The author shows how this concept can be used to develop strategies for action that can inform the practice of individuals and organisations seeking to respond to a changing social and political climate.

The book is well referenced and written to be accessible across the boundaries of different specialisms. The book will be essential reading for professionals, academics, carers, policymakers and others involved in any part of the spectrum of human services, and will serve as an excellent introduction for students entering the caring field.

Available through the North American booktrade at US$27.95.
Dr DG Race lectures at the University of Salford Centre for Social Work Research. ... read more
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