Ripples: Groupwork in different settings

Edited by Oded Manor

front cover of Ripples

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ISBN: 978-1-861770-34-9
Categories: Groupwork, Human Services
Published: June 2000
216 x 140 x 12 mm
196 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
What is groupwork?

The answer depends to some extent on the work-setting you have in mind. In Ripples, leading groupworkers introduce the reader to eleven applications.

Assuming little prior knowledge, each each chapter describes the clients'/users' needs, the methods applied and the ideas that guide workers in that setting. Further reading is suggested.

Initiated by the interdisciplinary journal Groupwork, Ripples invites workers to learn from one another, in the belief that the ripples of shared learning can onlystrengthen groupwork practice.

The settings considered are:personal growth
  • palliative care
  • occupational therapy
  • criminal justice
  • social work
  • mental health
  • health promotion
  • schools
  • community-based learning for adults
  • community development
  • social action.
The work will appeal to students on nursing, mental health, social work, probation and education courses who need to acquire an understanding of the uses of groupwork.

Experienced groupworkes will find it a helpful source of information on developments in settings other than their own.

This book is also printed in the United States and available through the N American book trade priced is US$18.95. In case of difficulty, please contact us.
Crossing the great gap: Groupwork for personal growth
John Rowan, Group and Individual Psychotherapist
Picking up the Pieces: Groupwork in palliative care
Pam Firth, Senior Social Worker/Head of Family Support, Isabel Hospice, Welwyn Garden City
When actions speak louder: Groupwork in occupational therapy
Linda Finlay, Associate Lecturer in Social Psychology, the Open University, Leeds
Punishment and the question of ownership: Groupwork in the criminal justice system
Liz Dixon, Senior Lecturer in Criminal Justice Studies, University of Hertfordshire and Probation Officer, ILPS
No Group is An Island: Groupwork in a Social Work Agency 
Mark Doel, Professor of Social Work School of Social Work and RNIB Rehabilitation Studies, University of Central England and Catherine Sawdon, Training Officer, Wakefield Social Services
Help as mutual aid: Groupwork in mental health
Oded Manor, Principal Lecturer in Social Work, School of Social Science, Middlesex University
Developing the professionals: Groupwork for health promotion
Ellen E Reverand, Senior Manager (Learning and Professional Development) and Louis B Levy, Acting Director, Health First, London
Learning beyond the classroom: A role for groupwork?
Marion Silverlock, Education and Training Consultant, Somerset
Evolving the curriculum: Groupwork and community based learning
Lynne Muir, Course Director, MA in Community Based Learning. Centre for Education Development, Coventry
Breaking the culture of silence: Groupwork and community development
Jacky Drysdale, Lecturer in Social Work and Rod Purcell, Lecturer in Community Development and Adult Education, University of Glasgow
Values as Context: Groupwork and social action
Mark Harrison, Director, Centre for Social Action and Dave Ward, Professor and Head, Dept of Social and Community Studies, De Montfort University
Oded Manor is a leading authority in groupwork, previously Principal Lecturer in Social Work at Middlesex University. ... read more
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