A needs acquisition and behaviour change model for group work and other psychotherapies

Tom Caplan

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ISBN: 978-1-861770-53-0
Series: New Groupwork Series
Categories: Counselling, Groupwork, Human Services, Social Work
Published: February 2008
235 x 191 x 11 mm
204 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
This book describes the NEEDS-ABC Model, developed by the author, and elucidates how the model can be used for group, family, couple and individual therapies.

The NEEDS-ABC Model was originally developed at the McGill Domestic Violence Clinic. It uses an integrated therapeutic approach combining observation and elucidation of client and group process, using concepts also described in cognitive-behavioural, motivational, narrative and emotion-focused models.

The Model emphasises the theme-based relational needs behind maladaptive behaviours, rather than the behaviours themselves, and by its flexibility in terms of application to clients in a range of personal and therapeutic settings.

NEEDS-ABC: A needs acquisition and behaviour change model for group work and other psychotherapies is a valuable, accessible contribution to the field of psychotherapy. It is just as suitable for use as a text for students in the field, as for qualified practitioners with an interest in expanding their knowledge base and enhancing their service to their clients.

NEEDS-ABC: A needs acquisition and behaviour change model for group work and other psychotherapies has been written in a wholly accessible manner, making it applicable to a wide public within the field of psychotherapeutic care of clients engaging in group, couple and marriage therapy. It is based on decades of actual practice with these clients and offers an approach to emotional healing that can be adapted to a wide range of circumstances. Extensive use of carefully written case studies elucidates the key points and considerations in the book.

NEEDS-ABC: A needs acquisition and behaviour change model for group work and other psychotherapies is the first title in the New Groupwork Book Series to be published by Whiting and Birch. The book will be printed in England and North America simultaneously.
Tom Caplan is Adjunct Professor, McGill University School of Social Work. Director and Supervisor at the McGill Domestic Violence Clinic. and Director and Supervisor Montreal Anger Management Centre. He also undertakes private practice with individuals, couples, families and group. ... read more
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