Practice Research in Nordic Social Work

Knowledge production in transition

Edited by Edgar Marthinsen and Ilse Julkunen

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ISBN: 978-1-861771-30-8
Series: Critical Studies in Socio-Cultural Diversity
Categories: Cultural Studies, Human Services, Social Policy, Social Work
Published: September 2012
234 x 136 x 12 mm
218 pages
Publisher: Whiting & Birch Ltd
This book provide a significant international contribution to the complex debate about research which informs, and is in turn informed, by social work practice. The authors rely on experience from developing and managing research projects and infrastructure in the Nordic countries. They are all active in the international drive for new knowledge production in social work.

Authors respond to the need for a more thorough critical discussion on practice-related research and present new experiences in knowledge production, and informed collaboration between academy, practice and management. A theme throughout the book is the development of such new knowledge in a period of economic difficulty and service retrenchment.

The book contributes not only to a wider discourse in social work and social work research, but also to the global debate on reflexive and critical knowledge production and evidence-based practices. It will be relevant to scholarship, policy and advanced practice in many other disciplines.

Social work practice and social science history
Edgar Marthinsen, Professor, South Troendelag University College, Trondheim, Norway

Research orientation and expertise in social work
Synnöve Karvinen-Niinikoski, Professor, Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Finland

Knowledge production and social work: Forming knowledge production
Tove Rasmussen, Senior Lecturer, Via University College, Aarhus, Denmark

Theorizing practice research in social work
Lars Uggerhøj, Professor at Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University, Denmark

Critical elements in evaluating and developing practice in social work: An exploratory overview
Ilse Julkunen, Professor, Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Mathilda Wrede Institute, Finland

The Mirror method: A structure supporting expertise in social welfare services
Laura Yliruka, Senior Researcher Social worker, Heikki Waris Institute, City of Helsinki, Finland

Action research in local authority practice: A path to learning and professional development for work with at-risk families
Karin Kildedal, Associate Professor at Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University, Denmark

Approaching practice research in theory and practice
Erja Saurama, Professor, Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Finland and Ilse Julkunen

Appendix: The Salisbury Statement: Background to developing a statement on practice research
Edgar Marthinsen
Edgar Marthinsen is a professor at the Program for Social Work Education AHS / HIST and the Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Agder.  He has in recent years been responsible for extensive research and project activities within child protection, social services and NAV, and has published extensively both nationally and internationally. ... read more
Ilse Julkunen
Ilse Julkunen is Professor, Dept of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Mathilda Wrede Institute, Finland. ... read more
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